North Spokane - 509-466-9100 • Spokane Valley - 509-534-9100

Save Money By Replacing Your Old Wood Heating Device

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Replace your old wood heating device

If you’re a homeowner in Spokane County (incorporated or unincorporated) and you heat with an old wood stove or wood fireplace insert, you may qualify to save on an upgrade:

Wood to wood = $1,000 discount

Wood to pellet = $1,400 discount

Wood to gas* = $1,800 discount

Your existing wood stove/insert must be non-EPA certified, or an EPA certified device that is at least 20 years old. The device must be installed and operational. Hearth fireplaces, even those with doors and blowers, do not qualify as an insert for this program.

Please note that this program is not retroactive, therefore if you’ve already removed your old wood burning device, you do not qualify.

This program is administered by Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency with grant funding from the Washington State Department of Ecology. View their website for full details:

Save $1,000 -$1,800 to replace your old wood heating device!

This program is administered by Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency with grant funding from the Washington State Department of Ecology.

Visit SPOKANE CLEAN AIR to learn more

gas burn change out


Effective January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2032 wood and pellet-burning stoves and inserts with an average higher heating value (HHV) efficiency of at least 75% are eligible for a 30% tax credit, capped at $2,000 annually. The total cost of the hearth product and installation are included with the 30% tax credit.