Let us help you pick the perfect swim spa for your back yard.
Are you tired of searching for the perfect swim spa and swim spa pricing only to get lost in the endless web of links and articles about irrelevant, unavailable swim spas that come close but just don’t exactly meet your unique swim spa needs? At Country Homes Power, we take our swim spa customers needs very seriously. We offer site visits, test swims and our team will go to great lengths to help you choose the perfect swim spa for your needs without charging you anything extra. We are humans, not robots and we take the time to understand the needs of our customers. It’s that personalized touch that sets our team and showroom apart and this is why you will feel the difference from the moment you reach out to our solutions team. It’s tough to make a swim spa recommendation without knowing you, but here are our ten most popular and interesting spas in our lineup for 2023.
1. Marquis V150 W
Built for leisure and exercise this Marquis Swim Spa checks all the boxes offering the best-in-class leisure and hydrotherapy application coupled with swim training current. Dual zones allow for full use for exercise and conditioning, as well as leisure and recovery. In a push of a button you can go from an intense training session to entertaining company. One of our favorite spas to test swim.